Your Small Business Loan Is A Big Deal
Adding locations? Need new equipment? Let local experts handle the financial particulars so you can focus on your business.

Get up to $5 million for your business*
Small Business Administration (SBA) loans were created to give small businesses access to funds that promote growth. With repayment terms up to 25 years, SBA loans can be used for:
- Business Acquisition and Expansion
- Real Estate
- Furniture and Machinery
- Partner Buyout
- Refinancing Business Debt
Sno Falls is your financial cooperative. Because we’re local, our process is simpler and you can be proud of keeping your money in your community.
Choose from a variety of business loans to fit your needs:
Real Estate
Credit Cards
For non-real estate loan requests under $200,000:
For all other requests, please email us or call (800) 243-7860.
Business MasterCard® Platinum
- Low 14.99% APR1 Variable rate
- No annual or balance transfer fees
- Generous credit limits up to $25,000
- 25 day grace period on purchases
- Free ShopSPOT rewards program
- Same low rate for purchases, cash advances and balance transfers