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Welcome to your new

Tim Williams Sno Falls Credit Union CEO
Tim Williams, President & CEO

Hello Members,

You now have one more reason to love being a Sno Falls Credit Union member: an easier-to-use website surfacing every feature and benefit, product, service and partnership. All of these are now at your fingertips.

Sno Falls may be small in size, but as you know, we’re mighty when it comes to breadth of services and incredibly competitive rates. (Things you won’t find at a big bank.) We also carry a deep, heartfelt care for this community and have since 1957.

We know you’ll enjoy the new website’s simplicity and clarity. You may even find a few new products you didn’t know we offered. Have a look around. And next time you’re in the branch, let us know what you think.

All the best,

Tim Williams
President & CEO, Sno Falls Credit Union